General Characteristics
- Drainage capacity is 17,4 l / s.
- Drain outlet DN / OD 75 mm Vertical
- Material: Polypropylene, UV stabilized
POLO-UDS Roof Drain
SuperDrain 60 CLAMP heat
Item No. 1574
POLO-UDS Roof Drain SuperDrain 60 CLAMP heat according to EN
1253. For installation in siphonic roof drainage systems. Insulated drain element, with stainless steel fl ange ring for the fastening of polymer roof membrane and self-regulating heat source 230V, supply cable length 0.8 m. Delivery includes leaf and gravel guard, SuperDrain insert.
Drainage capacity at 48 mm water level over drain: 17.4 l/s
Discharge nozzle: DN/OD 75 vertical
Material: Polypropylene, UV stabilised
POLO-UDS Roof Drain
SuperDrain 60 BIT heat
Item No. 1575
POLO-UDS Roof Drain SuperDrain 60 BIT heat according to EN
For installation in siphonic roof drainage systems. Insulated drain element, with factory-welded bituminous membrane-collar d = 500 mm x 4.7 mm and self-regulating heat source 230V, supply cable length 0.8 m. Delivery includes leaf and gravel guard, SuperDrain insert.
Drainage capacity at 48 mm water level over drain: 17.4 l/s
Discharge nozzle: DN/OD 75 vertical
Material: Polypropylene, UV stabilised
POLO-UDS Roof Drain
SuperDrain 60 PVC heat
Item No. 1576
POLO-UDS Roof Drain SuperDrain 60 PVC heat according to EN 1253. For installation in siphonic roof drainage systems. Insulated drain element, with PVC-fl ange for adhesive bonding or solvent welding of PVC roof membrane and self-regulating heat source 230V, supply cable length 0.8 m. Delivery includes leaf and gravel guard, SuperDrain insert.
Drainage capacity at 48 mm water level over drain: 17.4 l/s
Discharge nozzle: DN/OD 75 vertical
Material: PVC, UV stabilised
POLO-UDS Roof Drain
SuperDrain 60 FPO heat
Item No. 1577
POLO-UDS Roof Drain SuperDrain 60 FPO heat according to EN 1253. For installation in siphonic roof drainage systems. Insulated drain element, with FPO-fl ange for solvent welding of FPO roof membrane and self-regulating heat source 230V, supply cable length 0.8 m. Delivery includes leaf and gravel guard, SuperDrain insert.
Drainage capacity at 48 mm water level over drain: 17.4 l/s
Discharge nozzle: DN/OD 75 vertical
Material: Polypropylene, UV stabilised